LISS panel Data Statement

hereby undertakes to carry out work on the data of the LISS panel or immigrant panel, in accordance with the following conditions:
  1. He/she undertakes to keep confidential any information in the data concerning individual persons, households, enterprises or institutions which comes to his/her knowledge during the work on the data.
  2. He/she undertakes not to distribute data of the LISS panel or immigrant panel to others without permission from Centerdata.
  3. He/she undertakes to use the data for scientific or policy relevant (i.e. noncommercial) research only.
  4. He/she does not use the data in a paid assignment for a third party without payment to and written permission from Centerdata.
  5. He/she provides a copy of all publications based on the data to Priscilla Zhangof Centerdata and includes the following acknowledgement: "In this paper we make use of data of the LISS (Longitudinal Internet studies for the Social Sciences) panel administered by Centerdata (Tilburg University, The Netherlands)"
  6. This statement shall remain valid, even after conclusion of the work on the data.
If you have any questions about this statement please contact us.
Personal information
The company/university you work for.
Your department or faculty. Type N/A if unknown.
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Please read the Rules and Conditions first.
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